You've seen the commercials for spray disinfectants.  Germs, viruses and bacteria are crawling all over counters, the telephone....volatile, harmful chemicals leek into the air from carpeting, cabinetry, drapes and upholstery.  Dust mites abound, not to mention all the airborne particulate matter that comes in to cause allergeries to flare up and respiratory irritation.   The FRESH AIR PURIFIER  by EcoQuest,  has improved our indoor air quality greatly. 

My friend, and client, Jill, says finally there is relief from her allergies when she is at home.  And she doesn't smell her little doggie anymore!  My client Jan says her stuffiness in the morning is gone, and she has relief from her asthma symptoms.  She first noticed the difference after visiting her son out of state for a week.  The same old stuffiness was back. She couldn't wait to get back home to her Fresh Air Purifier. 

Two business clients of mine have had wonderful results.  Dennis of  "Yoga of Los Altos" in Northern California, tells me the yoga studio never smelled fresher!  All the instructors noticed the improvement immediately, and it is great to know that germs, viruses and bacteria are being cleansed away during and after classes.  It is especially useful on special workshop days when so many people sweat their way through a class.  Den says they turn up the purifier between workshops for extra sanitizing, Very effective!   Another client has a Cigar/Coffee Bar where the smoke can get pretty thick.  The Fresh Air Purifier has improved the air quality significantly.

Most astounding, though, was the report from my client Linda, in Ohio.  After a few days with the Purifier, her 3 year old grandson didn't need his breathing treatments!  After three weeks, at a doctor visit, the doctor reported significant improvement in his asthma condition and said, "Whatever you're doing, keep it up!" 

  Will it benefit your family?  READ MORE HERE about the FRESH AIR PURIFIER and our other Healthy Living Technologies.   Contact me for a risk-free trial 412-443-9442  or submit the contact form below.  God bless you and give you a bountiful outflowing of peace, joy and health in 2010 !
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