Helpful Tips For Your Healthy Family.

                                          Compiled by  Lorraine Serra

                                            [email protected]                                                           
    Reduce, reuse, recycle!  It’s the mantra we’ve heard for the past 20 years at least.  Global warming fears and former Vice President Al Gore have made us very much aware of the impact we each can make to preserve our planet for our children’s children.

   The topic comes up all the time: What are you doing to “go green”?  A common misconception is that it is very expensive to do so.  But, just implementing a couple of changes can save money and promote a healthier family, too.

1. Clean out your clutter and use Craig’sList.com or Freecycle.com.  Or, donate your still useable goodies.        Don’t send them to the landfill if at all possible.

2. Buy less stuff. Just say no. Do you really need it?

3. Shop the bulk bins. Buy produce that is in season.  It's cheaper, fresher.

4. Switch to a smaller garbage can. This is an incentive to create less trash.

5. Shop for items with less packaging. Then, recycle cardboard, cereal boxes, glass,  plastic., cans, most packaging materials., everything you can!

6. Stop buying bottled water!  You’re paying a premium for glorified tap water.  Recent news says it’s leaching toxins from the plastic.  More info: click here  http://youtube.com/watch?v=S2KUCgvemjM   But, when you must, be sure to recycle!  

7. Use “green” homemade cleaning products. Safe, no fumes, no toxins.  Vinegar and baking soda go a lo-o-o-ng  way. Cheap too!

     Try this recipe:  Mix 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup white vinegar in a gallon of water.  All  purpose cleaner.  For tough jobs like dirty floors, add 1/2 cup of ammonia. Use gloves and good ventilation.  40cents/gallon.  Tile, linoleum, countertops, appliances, bathrooms. More excellent info can be found at:   http:// www.naturodoc.com

 8.       Consider the new space certified line of products for air, water and laundry purification.  Clean, green, affordable, modern technology.   Science at our service!  Risk Free Trials available.
            For more information email me at:  [email protected]