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God bless. 
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A Mother's Blessing

Lord, uphold your maidservant with Your divine strength.  Impress upon her heart how precious she is to You as she selflessly nurtures, protects, guides and directs those You have placed in her care.   This is her high calling before You.

May she bring You much honor and glory by her words and example, that those in her household, and those with whom she interacts in the world today may embrace her spirit of grace, gentleness and peace, and be drawn to the irresistible presence of Christ alive in her.

Strengthen her when she feels weary, sweet Jesus.  Delight in her joyful service!  Oh, faithful and loving God,  grant her an extra measure of wisdom and assurance today as she comes to you in prayer and praise.   Prosper the work of her hands, her heart and her mind today that she may know beyond all knowing,  how great THOU ART!