IA mindset for success is critical to everything in life: relationships, school, career. The Bible tells us the battle is always in the mind, hence, Ephesians 6, put on your armor starting with that Helmet of Salvation.  God wants to transform us by the renewing of our minds.  So where is our focus?  Discipline of our thought life and what we feed ourselves spriitually, mentally and emotionally is more critical than the food in our bellies!!   Dying to self and following Christ as a servant is also something that requires a whole lot of focus.  A mindset for what has eternal value.  It's foreign in our culture, but not invisible.  There are many who are Salt and Light in the world.  Stay strong in the Lord, friends.  It is Christ working in you both to will and to do according to His good pleasure.  It's all about HIM!   Well, I haven't posted for a while.  Been focused on my newest site www.SFI2EarnBig.info     I am using it to attract people to join my team at SFI. I met Papa Don, a beautiful Christian man who has shown me how to create income faster and easier than ever.  He is a well educated man (2 degrees in Communication) who retired from a successful career in business and now
shares his stratregies for success.  Read more about him at my main training site, www.SharperMarketer.com    You can sign up for my newsletter through either of these sites and get a Free report:  "Mindset For Success".  The Bible tells us the battle is in the mind.  We know everything is  matter of discipline of the mind, the will.  Obedience, faithfulness, hard work.  Merging these values with a business model brings great peace and satisfaction!